Dead Men's FingersA novel

Dead Men's Fingers cover image

On the following pages you can read more about the novel Dead Men's Fingers, beginning with the complete first section of the novel.

From the back cover

A young girl, molested and killed. One man, convicted of her death. Five lives, tangled in the web of this horrific crime... The release of Elizabeth Connor's killer, his conviction quashed on a technicality, reopens old wounds in those touched by the tragedy of the girl's death. Hate, revenge, indifference, murder: lives which were newly built are once again faced with horrors which are not of their making.

» Read the first section of the novel.

Available for purchase now

Buy the e-book version of Dead Men's Fingers online via (UK readers), and (North America).

The novel is also available as part of an omnibus edition with Sheldon's other novels, Delhi Deadlines and Virtually, via (UK readers), and (North America).


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