Word CloudsSome word fun

The word cloud below was generated by TagCrowd. Some obvious words and themes here: 'VR', 'virtual', and 'reality', of course; 'memory' and 'mind'; 'think' and 'thought'. The word 'world' is an interesting one, as is 'years'. In a novel where nothing may be real, the prominence of words like 'maybe' and 'perhaps' is nice, as is how 'sense' is subservient to 'feeling' and 'thought'.

If you like this you might be interested in the word clouds for the novel Delhi Deadlines, and the word cloud for the travel book A River of Life.

almost although anne-yvonne arm around asked away body coming course death done door doubt dream else enough enterprises events everything eyes face fact far feeling felt found god going gone head images information knew life looked love man martin maybe memory mind moment name nothing past perhaps program quite real reality really remembered robespierre room seemed sense series simply someone sorensen taken things think thought told took tried virtual voice vr wanted whole wondered words work world wrong years

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